Try \\


-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2008 3:08 PM
To: Watir General
Subject: [wtr-general] Opening an Excel file with a variable name


I am attempting to open an Excel file with Ruby, and have run into a
problem.  If I open the file with single quotes, like  inputFile =
input.Workbooks.Open('C:\Folder\sheet.xls') everything works fine.  My
problem now is that the location of the .xls file has a variable name,
like inputFile = input.Workbooks.Open("C:\#{var)\sheet.xls").  When I
try this, I get an error saying that the file cannot be found.  It
seems that the 'open' method will only work with single quotes, but to
signify a variable in a string in Ruby you have to use double quotes.
Has anyone discovered a way around this?  Thanks in advance for any

- Shelton

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