I have tested my existed suite on Firefox, found the returned content
of firewatir method is difference from between firewatir and watir,
please refer to the http://code.google.com/p/firewatir/issues/detail?id=80.
This is the biggest issues.

Wilson Xu

On Dec 19, 6:17 am, "Lisa Crispin" <lisa.cris...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I just haven't had time to get it working. Actually I haven't even had time
> to get my whole suite of tests working again. They run individually, but
> fail in a suite - windows are not getting closed and the next test fails.
> The suite ran before fine although we had been having random failures we
> couldn't figure out. This is a big problem for us but we've been swamped. I
> am determined to figure it out this sprint and we added a story this sprint
> to be sure we have time.
> It is ultimately our goal to be able to use FireWatir since 100% of our team
> works on a Mac. A couple of us also have PCs.
> I am excited about the potential, though! I guess it's a movie I really,
> really want to see how it ends!
> -- Lisa
> On Thu, Dec 18, 2008 at 3:09 PM, Pete Dignan <p...@watircraft.com> wrote:
> > I'm curious, now that 1.6.2 has been out for a little while.  Is the
> > integration of FireWatir and Watir working for you?  Are you using it
> > to test on both IE and Firefox? Are there issues that are preventing
> > you from using it effectively? If 1.6.2 were a movie and you were a
> > movie critic, how many stars would you give it?
> > Pete
> --
> Lisa Crispin
> Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
> and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 
> 2009)http://lisa.crispin.home.att.nethttp://lisacrispin.blogspot.com
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