With Watir, browser.goto("www.google.com") won't redirect the way it 
will when you type this string in your address bar. There is some 
front-end object that is not engaged. I'm wondering if this relates to 
your problem.


Jason N wrote:
> Brett, thanks.  Unfortunately, but interestingly, that doesn't make a
> difference.
> On May 13, 3:17 am, Bret Pettichord <b...@pettichord.com> wrote:
>> You can also try Watir::IE.new_process, which starts IE using a
>> different mechanism, closer to what happens when you start it manually.
>> Bret

Bret Pettichord
CTO, WatirCraft LLC, www.watircraft.com
Lead Developer, Watir, www.watir.com
Blog, www.io.com/~wazmo/blog
Twitter, www.twitter.com/bpettichord

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