A question which i've found cropping up in a few places and at times 
appears controversial, not sure why, but i'm also struggling to find an 
answer for, and in the absence of an answer how does anybody else do this.
To put it simply how to confirm if an element is in the users viewport, not 
if it exists on the page but can the user see it?
The previous incarnation of webdriver in firefox would return an element is 
not clickable type message if you tried to click an item which was off the 
bottom of the page, meaning i'd use watir-scroll to interact with it. That 
indicates to me that somehow, somewhere there is a way to identify it, or 
there used to be?  The latest versions of the drivers mean that chrome and 
firefox both don't seem to care and will just click it anyway.
Ideally i'd be using this in conjuction with chromes mobile_emulation so i 
need to be able to identify if in mobile view, certain elements are in view.
Any thoughts and ideas as usual would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers, G

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