I am using Watir-WebDriver (0.9.1) with RAutomation to handle window model 

I am running this job in a VM on Jenkins.
Scenario: I am trying to attach a file through window model dialog.
When I click 'Add Attachments' link, window dialog pops-up, here I get *Modal 
dialog present: "" (Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnhandledAlertError) *error 
in jenkins console. But, when I run the same in my local machine, it works 
all well. Here is the step in Cucumber

When /^I attach an external file present in "(.*)" path$/ do |file_path|
  window_model = RAutomation::Window.new(:title => "Open")
  window_model.text_field(:class => "Edit").set file_path
  window_model.button(:value => "&Open").click

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