I have written the following code to handle alert


Please look at the below code(bottom), I went through debug, when it 
reaches to 
 message ||= "waiting for true condition on #{inspect}"

it automatically closes the alert so when it reaches to next line, that is

 Wait.until(timeout: timeout, message: message, interval: interval, object: 
self, &blk)

It waits until the given time and it fails. So what I did was I took out 
the driver and written the following selenium code directly 


It perfectly works. Can someone tell me where is the problem? 

def wait_until(deprecated_timeout = nil, deprecated_message = nil, timeout: 
nil, message: nil, interval: nil, &blk)
  if deprecated_message || deprecated_timeout
    warn "Instead of passing arguments into #wait_until, use keywords"
    timeout = deprecated_timeout
    message = deprecated_message
  message ||= "waiting for true condition on #{inspect}"
  Wait.until(timeout: timeout, message: message, interval: interval, object: 
self, &blk)


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