steve miller wrote:
Sorry if this is a repeat, but I could still use some help...

I am sending mail using php mail(), and everyone except aol accounts are receiving it. After browsing around looking for advice, these are the headers I am sending:

$mailfrom = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n";
$mailfrom .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8\r\n";
$mailfrom .= "From: $ev_admin <$admin_email1>\r\n";
$mailfrom .= "Return-path: <$admin_email1>\r\n";
$mailfrom .= "Reply-To: $admin_email1\r\n";

Any suggestions?

Accept that if only AOL are blocking the mails, the problem is AOL, and anyone using AOL needs to go get a decent email provider? :)

Why do the block the mails? Have you tried contacting their abuse team for guidance? If you're bothered about trying to get your mails through to AOL users, then you'll have to find a way to work around whatever is causing the mails to be blocked.

Do the mails go through if you send simple plain text mails rather than farting about with HTML mail?


Dave P

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