
It looks like you have some questions about your AdWords account. You may
find that the quickest way to find answers to your questions is by
visiting the AdWords Help Center at https://adwords.google.com/support.
Or, try the AdWords Help Forum at
http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/AdWords?hl=en, where you can connect
with other advertisers to share information and exchange ideas. We've
developed these resources to empower you to find the best ways to manage
your account, so that you can achieve the results you want.

If you're not able to find an answer to your question by searching or
browsing the Help Center, you can reach us by clicking the 'Contact Us'
link at the bottom of the Help Center or by clicking the 'Contact Us' link
directly within your AdWords account. So that we can better assist you,
please be sure to mention your AdWords Customer ID or AdWords login email
(not your password).


The Google AdWords Team 

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