05.10.2013, 15:40, "arnaud le roy" <sdnetw...@gmail.com>:
> thanks,
> i have found my problems this morning and i post it but the message
> awaits approval.
> this is the message :
>> hello,
>> after some modifications, i have successfully compile the webkit with
>> this options :
>> --qt --media-stream --media-source --media-capture --video --no-webkit2
>> this is the list of files that need to be modified :
>> - Source\WebCore\DerivedSources.pri
>> - Source\WebCore\WebCore.pri
>> - Source\WebCore\Target.pri
>> - Source\WebCore\platform\mediastream\RTCPeerConnectionHandler.cpp
>> i have some doubt about the add of
> WebCore\platform\mediastream>\gstreamer in the target.pri because in
> windows the flag >WTF_USE_GSTREAMER=0 (maybe we can force it ?).and the
> other platform >for mediastream are blackberry and chronium.
>> any help on this part would be good.
> so you confirm my doubt about this part (dummy RTCPeerConnectionHandler
> )so if i understand for the moment we could not enable webrtc on windows
> plattform

Chromium supports windows, so you may want to try to plug that code into
your WebKit build instead of dummy implementation. But it will probably
have Chromium-specific dependencies, so you'll need to figure them out
and maybe modify source code to make it working with QtWebKit.

If your primary platform is Windows, you may want to switch from QtWebKit
to Chromium port (or Qt WebEngine, Chromium wrapper being developed right
now). AFAIK, media support was never first-class citizen for QtWebKit on

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