Same here.

The one thing I think is very important is to take a page from the Republican playbook. Stop saying "WO isn't dead". I would like to have a funeral for that phrase, because the more people say it, the more people ask the question - "Is WO dead?".

What say you! ?


On Aug 13, 2006, at 4:38 PM, Chuck Hill wrote:


I have been trying to keep my mouth shut on this, not something that I am good at. :-) Pierce said so many smart things that I feel compelled to ride on hit coattails and chime in a bit.

On Aug 13, 2006, at 11:07 AM, Pierce T. Wetter III wrote:

 I challenge the fundamental premise of this thread.

 Bottom Line:

The collection of people who know/love WebObjects need to start thinking of themselves as "The WebObjects Community" and start thinking of Apple as "one of the major contributors to WebObjects".

That is, even without any NDA info, I can easily point out from what Apple has said long ago in public that they consider WebObjects more of a technology then a product. That happened when they made it free on MacOSX.

Yet these days, a thriving internet technology needs a thriving community. We need to stop expecting Apple to lead WebObjects somewhere.

Yes. Yes. Yes. We need to stop moaning, "Somebody needs to do something!". And that means YOU not some other anonymous reader of this list. A lot of us have already done a lot of work with blogs, pod casts, videos, Open Source contributions, books, training etc. It is time to put up or shut up.

Apple uses WO in house to a huge extent. They are going to continue to maintain and enhance WO. So its not, and never will be "dead", despite the rumors every year.

Right. WO is not dead and is not going to be dead. The question is not "Is WO dead?" but "What are we as the community going to do, whine or make the things we say that we need?" Apple does not need them so it is not going to make them.

But at this point the community has surpassed Apple. It wasn't Apple who worked so hard to get WOLips working, write an EOModel editor from scratch, or write a Rules editor they now consider superior to their own. Every day there is more open source code in "WebObjects" as used by most WO developers. At some point, the community will have contributed more source to WO then Apple has. [if they haven't already, I haven't compared the source output from the jad decompiler to Wonder lately.]

 "Lead, Follow, or Get Out of the Way".

Amen. Absolutely need a WYSIWYG editor? Make one! Don't whine about how what others have made for their needs does not fit your needs. They don't have any obligation to make one for you and probably no interest, otherwise they would have already done it. We are all developers, if the need is great we can do it. We all know how it goes: define the requirements, decide on architecture, generate the specifications, write the documentation and test plan, develop the code, test it, and release. It is what we do every day. We need to get organized.

Apple hasn't really been leading WO since about 5.0. They haven't been following the community either, because there's been no community. (In fact, its only the last year or so that WO programmers have started thinking of themselves as a community.) I can't tell you what Apple said at WWDC, but I can tell you my take: Apple is getting out of the way.

And while you really can't tell it from the recent messages on the list, the community did really gel at WWDC. I was very positive on Friday. Now, reading all this on the list, I am feeling much less so.

It's up to us to rise to the challenge.

Recently, as part of my job search, I was talking to the President of a firm that employs about 20 WO programmers. He told me that he was worried about the future of WO, so he was trying to port some of his stuff to Hibernate/Struts.

It was impossible (a hello world app requires 200 lines of XML code first...), so now he's shopping for a J2EE technology that is as capable as WO. He hasn't found one.

And, as most of us know, he isn't going to find one.

There are quite a few WO shops out there who have built up their own in-house libraries. That's one of the key competitive advantages of WO: the more work you do, the more you can get done.

Perhaps those houses need to stop thinking of the other WO consultants as your competition and start thinking of them as your allies. You need to start contributing to Wonder, so that you and your allies get web applications jobs rather then the hordes of nameless idiot J2EE developers.

That is, the stronger the WO community as a whole becomes, the richer everyone in the WO community gets. So if you work at as WO consulting firm, have you thought about open-sourcing your internal frameworks? Would you rather make $150/hour doing WO or $75/hour editing XML files in Hibernate? When you keep your internal frameworks proprietary, that's the choice you're making.

And GVC has done just this. The frameworks that we once considered (correctly too I might add) our competitive advantage are now Open Source ( in case you missed it). We are updating these and will periodically post new versions. Anything we develop in the future will be Open Sourced as well. Take a look at the reusable code you have laying around (and not reusable stuff as examples too). Can it be Open Sourced?

  Which brings us to the premise of the thread.

We're WO developers, not marketeers. We don't need to market WO, we need to contribute our code to the community. With a thriving community comes interest, O'Reilly books, and magazine articles. WO is a development system, not a new car, having an ad won't get people interested.

Yep, ever seen an ad for Ruby on Rails?

If we do that, I think we'll find that more and more of what Apple does with WO gets open sourced. They already contribute to Wonder. When the community reaches the point that the closed source portion of WO is only 25% of the total, I think that either:

1. We won't need Apple anymore at all and someone may dig in and replace everything.
   2. Apple will open source the rest.

So we need not market WebObjects. Market yourself as a web application developer, and realize that one of the best ways to market yourself as an app developer is to contribute to the community. When I was an independent consultant, every time I contributed back to the community, I was able to bill at a higher rate, because people/firms who contribute to the community end up being recognized as experts by that community. I reaped far more then I sowed.

One other thing we can do to help ourselves is to generate awareness of WebObjects locally. Is there a Java user group in your area? Give a presentation on WebObjects. "Java Runs Ruby Off the Rails" ought to get quite an audience. The more technical people that know about WO, the more people will want it. That means more business for us and a larger community.

None of this required any NDA knowledge (I had these thoughts before the show.) so you non-WWDC attendees can feel free to chime in before whatever public announcements come.

One non-Apple thing I took away from the show: There are actually more WO programmers then there have been in the past (post-bubble was especially bad), and that we all have started to think of ourselves as a community.

_Apple_ may only be making a few _billion_ a year on WO (if you count the iTunes Music Store), but there are quite a few of us making money on WO beyond that. So the community isn't going to go away and WebObjects isn't going to go away. So enough FUD!

Instead, lets make the community so strong, that in two years, Apple is proposing to US what it would like to see in WO, and we're considering it...

Now THAT I would like to see!


Coming sometime... - an introduction to web applications using WebObjects and Xcode

Practical WebObjects - for developers who want to increase their overall knowledge of WebObjects or who are trying to solve specific problems. practical_webobjects

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