On Thu, Feb 14, 2008 at 07:59:04PM -0800, eching wrote:
> When I use java servlets I often use the servlet context to store some
> global objects that are accessible to all servlets in the container.
> Is there an equivalent in web.py? I found a post from a couple years
> ago that involved modifying web.py, but I'm not too keen on that.  I
> looked over the doc, but didn't see anything that quite matched.

Do you really want sessions or real globals?  That kind of thing can
be a real bottleneck.

Here's a real simple example of something you could do if you really
wanted to:

import web

def add_global_hook():
    g = web.storage({"counter": 0})
    def _wrapper(handler):
        web.ctx.globals = g
        return handler()
    return _wrapper

class Hello:
    def GET(self):
        web.ctx.globals.counter += 1
        return "<h1>Counter: %d</h1>" % web.ctx.globals.counter

if __name__ == '__main__':
    urls = ("/", "Hello")
    app = web.application(urls, globals())

Note that it wouldn't work right in situations where requests are 
handled in different actual processes (mod_python with a forking
MPM, forking FastCGI/SCGI handler, etc).  Threaded will work fine.

David Terrell
((meatspace)) http://meat.net/

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