On 13.10.2022 14.56, Lionel Élie Mamane wrote:
On https://wiki.documentfoundation.org/ReleaseNotes/7.3
go to subsection "11.1 New langauges/locales (...)"

Click on the [edit] next to that subsection header.

One is then editing the _next_ subsection

"11.2 Additional languages in the language list"

instead of the one one wanted.

Earlier section edit links work correctly, up to and including section
"10.1 General". Then the edit link of
section "10.2 Incon Theme" edits _both_ section 10.2 _and_ section "11
Localization" together and then everything is one-off after that.

Did some tweaks incrementally and it seems it was finally resolved by moving a translate tag out from a heading line:

MediaWiki help does recommend to avoid using inline tags with headings, but I did not expect such effects to section references.


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