On Mon, 2010-10-18 at 11:53 -0400, Drew Jensen wrote:
> Howdy Folks,
> Just an idea - as even though I just gone done saying in a different
> email that we have only existed for 21 days, it has been 21 days and the
> time to choose and start is, IMO, drawing nigh.
> So a different perspective - Who is actually planning on doing the
> install, and willing to commit to the time to see it through:
> - Where is this being hosted?
> - Who is going to be doing the server admin?
> - Who is going to do CMS install/customization?
> - Who will commit to the ongoing admin tasks for the instance of the CMS
> package (not just content admin functions)?
> Before you say, can't answer till you know the CMS, lets just a quick
> head count and see who is actually willing to accept the responsibility
> - cause I don't know, I know some of you are, as we really down the
> question one over the other it's best to remember that the people
> planning actually doing the work should and must have a large role in
> making the final decision, even if those of us on the periphery will no
> doubt have input and some influence.
> Anyway, just how I would approach at this moment...shouldn't really
> distract from what I'm reading about demo systems, and such.

Sorry for my terrible typing skills there:

Just a quick addon here:

I'm assuming, and bet most are, that Florian is the server admin. It
looks to me like Per is active doing so also.

Is there anyone here willing to accept the responsibility to help admin
the CMS instance, say for the next year, without regard to which CMS is
selected? (cause I have to think it's going to evolve quickly, so it is
going to be a reasonable time commitment for the admin, at least for the
first couple of months, my best guess anyway)

Thanks Again - and I'll go back to reading all these emails..


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