Hi Daniel, *

Welcome to our community!

Daniel Neel schrieb:
Hello all. My name is Daniel Neel and I'm interested in working on
LibreOffice's new Drupal-based web site.

I'm sorry if this disappoints you, but our new website is based on SilverStripe (an easy to be used CMS): http://www.libreoffice.org

Once our website is in a final state, we'll be able to discuss any further improvement. This might be Drupal, but at the moment there are other tasks, that are much more urgent than such a discussion.

I have experience developing with
(X)HTML and CSS on a couple of web sites and have dabbled with Python and
other technologies from time to time.

At the moment our website team is forming - do you want to join?

This would be great.

Please subscribe to the website mailing list (by sending a mail to website+subscr...@libreoffice.org and reply to the automated mail you get) and introduce you there, if you want to.

Anyways, I reviewed the new LibreOffice web site and recorded issues I
found. Is it possible for me to fix these bugs myself, or would I need to be
granted commit rights?

At the moment the Drupal staging site is not worked on, so I'd propose to add your findings to the wiki:

I don't know if this Drupal solution will be more than a working draft, but this would allow to come back to them, when the work on the LibreOffice website has reached a final state and our discussions on the long-term solution came to a conclusion.

Please don't discuss any Drupal ideas at the moment, because they led to long and unproductive discussions in the past and we need to focus on the release now. If you follow the website list, you will find out, when we'll have the time to develop our goals and aims for the long-term website solution that will fit the needs of the entire community.

Best regards


Web site bugs

All notes taken using Chromium 8.0.552.237 (70801) Ubuntu 10.10, referring
to the Drupal web site at http://libreofficeaustralia.org/

Navigation bar
  - the sub menu of the "LibreOffice" item doesn't appear to align along the
navigation bar's left edge, while the other items align correctly

Home Page
  - "Take a tour to explore the functions and features of LibreOffice" should
inlude a period after "LibreOffice" - all other items end in periods.
  - The shadows under each image might look better feathered a bit more, with
less hard edges
     - The shadow under the puzzle icon doesn't appear centrally aligned
while the other shadows do
  - "Login or register to post comments Older polls" - might be useful to
have the links highlighted/underlined, as they're (in chrome 8)
indistinguishable from normal text without mousing over them.
     - Also in chrome 8 and firefox 3.6 the "Older polls" item should be on a
new line - currently a little confusing

  - url doesn't follow the naming convention of other LibO products. Listed
as "../features/libreoffice-calc" rather than "../features/calc"
   - This also might affect the page's title which is "LibreOffice Calc |
LibreOffice.org" when it should be "Calc | LibreOffice.org", going by the
other product pages
   - also is the cause of a broken link on the Features page

  - uses an old Apple logo - not sure if their newer logos are available for
use or not
  - also uses an old Ubuntu logo rather than the updated ones (located here:

  - "Discover new possibilities", "Extensions make document creation fun.",
"Explore and install now" - inconsistent use of periods

  - Space between heading and start of page content inconsistent with other
pages (the space between "Features" and "LibreOffice is a comprehensive...")

  - Inconsistent spacing between heading and start of page content

  - Items in the large list aren't presented in the same order as in the
navigation bar
  - Page titles are inconsistent (see Project Teams and Forums vs the other

Community/Project Teams
  - Contains links to two seperate Quality Assurance team pages, each with
differing content

  - Sub-forum titles become un-aligned depending on if there's an icon to the
left of them (see mail icon) and if the thread has a mail icon and a
description of the sub-forum
    (potentially in other cases as well)

  - Assuming the language bar should go below the "To suggest a news article
please contact the News Editor team" section.

All product pages (LibreOffice/... Calc/Writer/etc)
  - Inconsistent spacing between the navigation bar and the start of the
page's content

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