
while working on preparing kermit for its migration to the new infra, I 
stumbled across the fact that over 500G of data reside in the website directory.
Comparing with the content of the different sites this seems to be extremely 
high, so I ask you, if you have access to kermit, please clean up as much as 
This will help to drastically reduce the amount of time needed for migration 
and greatly simplifies my work.

Here’s a list of the biggest folders:
175.8GiB [##########] /extensions.libreoffice.org
  46.0GiB [##        ] /extensions.libreoffice.org_save
  41.5GiB [##        ] /odfauthors.org
  34.0GiB [#         ] /libreofficebox.org
  33.6GiB [#         ] /docs.libreoffice.org
  16.7GiB [          ] /wiki.documentfoundation.org
  12.9GiB [          ] /help.libreoffice.org
   3.2GiB [          ] /conference.libreoffice.org


Alexander Werner <a...@documentfoundation.org>
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