  1. Brett
  2. guilhem
  3. cloph

 * Salt refactoring
   + Merged Brett's 'cleanup' branch to master (except the submodule
     integration: I merged it instead in order to preserve history)
   + TODO We should try to remove redundancy between 'base/' and 'tdf/'
     directories, for instance 'base/mail/' and 'tdf/postfix/'
   + Are there any states/hosts that should be removed?
     - obsolete grain-matching (Ubuntu 12 for instance)
     - php5 (now superseded by 7.0, the two states should be merged)
   + Determine where/how CI is to be implemented.
     - existing docker solution prefered for now
     - should be properly jailed so the container can't escalate (move
       it to a dedicated VM if that's the only solution)
  * Migrations
    + Root servers kermit, pumbaa, bilbo2, intrepid, saber, and host-20150218 
are gone
    + PENDING gimli migrated to vm201, all services are now prod-ready
      but not live yet except OpenGrok (upgraded to 1.0) which is live
      since earlier today (rdm#2077)
      - AI guilhem: update can be migrated immediately (ensure that log
        files are parsed properly first)
      - dev-builds, dev-www, gimli's DNS records need to be updated at
        the same time
      - tinderbox: needs a MX, then can be updated independently
      - TODO migrate /srv disk img from a raid0 dir to a raid1 dir
    + TODO migrate gandalf to our infra
      - cloph: actually not really needed (can be considered a CI bot),
        we could bring it behind our intranet instead
  * charly rebooted on Friday at 12 CEST (dirty shutdown, cause still
    unknown).  tdfvm's mapping VM → hyper needs to be updated so we can
    easily recreate transient VMs (instead of consulting libvirt logs…)
  * Deployed LDAP auth to our TestLink instance, now waiting a couple of
    weeks before proceeding with the wiki (to see if we need a schema
  * Our two MediaWiki instances are oddly slow, but
    will soon be replaced by static files on vm173; need to see if load
    drops afterwards
  * Gustl: AI guilhem: contact manitu and ask them to plug the cable to
    another router port.
    If that doesn't work, we should try to change router (or ask them to
    update their switch?)
  * Briefly going through Redmine tickets
  * Next meeting: August 15 at 16:30 UTC


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