1. guilhem
2. wget
3. emiliano
4. cloph


 * Significant Changes to Accessing and Using GeoLite2 Databases:
   + “Starting December 30, 2019, downloads will no longer be served from our
     public GeoLite2 page, from*,
     or from any other public URL”
   + Mostly affects Matomo/Piwik and MirrorBrain
   + As of 3.13.1 Matomo now uses as a geolocation provider, so
     nothing to do here
     - However is providing City/Country databases only, no ASN AFAICT
   + MirrorBrain no longer developed upstream, we'll probably need to change
     to MirrorBits sooner
     - No super high urgency, but the DB will be less and less accurate over
       time (eg, someone from AU downloading LO from JP because an IP block
       was sold there)
       . AI guilhem: create ticket for Q2
       . wget: with the shortage of IPv4 people are selling their subnets
         arounds, might make the problem worse also
     - MirrorBits uses mmdb which also provides, not sure about ASN
       database though
   + Distros etc are affected too, the FLOSS ecosystem will likely need to
     find a new GeoIP solution
 * Gerrit changes NoteDB (git) migration and upgrade to 3.0 (+ OS/JVM upgrade)
   + Upgraded to 2.16 on xmas, accounts now in NoteDB, EC key support etc
   + 3.0 stage instance available
   + No major changes from a user perspective (UI, workflow, etc.) unlike 
     - No longer possible to swtich to the old UI (GWT) though
   + Scheduled on Saturday February 8 at 00:00 UTC,
     - OS/JVM upgrade defered to later
   + github PR plugin:
     - AI guilhem: install on the stage instance
     - AI cloph: test it using a dummy project on the GitHub side, testing
       with core would create too much confusion
       . wget: available to help also :-)
 * guilhem: deprecate (infra
   testbed) and move to Gerrit instead?
   - we loose GitLab CI, but it's not really working anyway :-P
   - cloph: no hard feeling either way
   - AI guilhem: double-check that all creds/key material is gone before
   - wget: some discussion on the Telegram design channel, folks are worried
     about BZ upstream dev and might want to use GitLab's issue tracker
     instead if missing features are implemented for QA team
     . guilhem: monolithic Debian package, would prefer a better package or
       deploy from source :(
 * Prometheus exporters and Grafana dashboards for libvirt, MySQL/PostgreSQL,
   GlusterFS, gerrit
   + pending: extra guest info extracted from QEMU guest agent:
     - disk usage/capacity: virsh qemu-agent-command vmXYZ 
     - guest OS / kernel version: virsh qemu-agent-command vmXYZ '{"execute": 
   + need libvirt 5.0, need to upgrade the virt stack first
 * Hypervisor upgrades:
   + AI guilhem: start with charly ~ mid february
 * Tinderboxes:
   + 32-bit CentOS: not hooked up to Jenkins because build with -Werror fails,
     integration with LODE would be welcome to simplify the configuration
     (would be just a copy of the other ones)
 * wget: offering help for rdm#3033 (Mastodon) and rdm#2952 (Discourse)
   + guilhem: thanks, still hopeful to get PeerTube and Mastodon deployed
     before FOSDEM
   + guilhem: thought there was no need for a Discourse instance just yet, but
     perhaps Sophie/Olivier would like to have one to play with :-)
 * wget: instructions about GitHub organization repo (verification, cf.
   previous call) will be given at FOSDEM Hackfest in person.
 * wget: 6.3.4 not pushed to update service
   + Missing from the dict, cloph will add it after the call
 * Next call: Tue Feb 18 at 17:30:00 UTC 2020


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