Warning: newbie careening down the hallway

I am learning Linux, Webware and python pretty much simultaneously so please bear with me.

I have been studying the wiki, which is great by the way, the old site, this list and pestering a few kind souls. I don't feel like I really understand the "right" was to layout a Webware application. Perhaps someone has a moment to comment?

Goal: XML-RPC on the server with home grown client. No browsers required.

Web server, primary web site
This will host either the cgi or mod_webkit for apache, and redirect to the "context" directory. Also a plain html page that describes how to contact the admin for help.

Context directory set by MakeAppWorkDir
Holds the application specific files including the xml-rpc.py customized for the application. Selected directories are given write permissions for the user.

        The Webware distribution

In the Application.conf I need to define the name and path for the context.
In Apache, I need to add the virtual domain data and use rewrite to append URLs to include the context path.

With this done I can focus on the python code to implement the RPC methods.

Is that it?

Mark Phillips
Mophilly & Associates
On the web at http://www.mophilly.com
On the phone at 619 444-9210

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