They are handled like standard requests. The issue is that (in my older implementation) the request would be made to the server, and the server would sit around with that request for TIMEOUT seconds.

That is my question: Why waiting?
Why not immediately close the connection and the thread like any http request?
Is it because the javascript client does maintain the tcp connection?

The problem is when you have multiple users connecting (or even several ajax-enable pages viewed in rapid succession), many of the threads from webware's thread pool are used for up to TIMEOUT seconds. Once the threads are all busy, the next user trying to connect must wait until a busy thread finishes its current task before that user's request is served.

With the changes I posted to the wiki this morning, the ajax_response requests are not held up on the server side, so the limit of concurrent users goes up (a lot). The problem is not really solved, per se, but it's impact is weakened.

In your previous mail, you explain that the client wait for some amount of time. Wait for what? Sorry if my questions look silly, I don't understand everything in this ajax mechanism.

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