John Dickinson wrote:
I've got a new implementation that solves both of these problems, but I can't seen to get in to the wiki to post it.

Thanks a lot. I have already checked it in to the SVN repository.

BTW, I have restarted the Wiki and let it use the current Webware 0.9. Should be better now.

Your new implementation of ajax_response() looks good to me.

However, I'm actually wondering whether you really always need to run this background polling. If requests are always answered within the timeout interval (which is set to 100 seconds), that mechanism should be never needed. For instance, in the "AjaxSuggest" example, it will be surely not needed. You will only need it if you have long-running queries or computations where getting the result is crucial. So I was wondering whether AjaxPage should provide a parameter that allows disabling and enabling the polling mechanism. In the AjaxSuggest example, I would like to disable it from the beginning.

-- Christoph

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