
On my hotspot management website using webware: http://worldspot.net,
users can customize their landing page with a wysiwyg editor (fck
editor). I'm actually just replacing a %(content) tag with the dynamic
content that I generate.
However users are asking for a more customizable hotspot landing page
dynamic behaviour. Here comes the idea to use a templating system.
My problem is: Does anyone knows about a "secure" templating system?
By secure I mean that my users are designing their own templates, and
must NEVER access my webware python variable space. I must be able to
totally separate both worlds. The user must never make infinites loops,
I would need very simple templating functions: The conditionnal html is
the main feature I need. Access to some variables that I provide would
also help.
Finaly I would need a very simple templating system that does not use
ANY python expression inside (unlike most existing solution I know)

If someone has a pointer, it would help me a lot.


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