Am 14.05.2010 20:26 schrieb Roger Haase:
> I use a call to self.response().flush() on a couple of long running
> transactions.  With the WSGI adapter on 1.1.b1 the transaction runs
> to completion, but nothing is transferred until the transaction
> completes.
> I haven't tested this with other adapters.  Anyone else notice this?

Just tested it with mod_webkit, mod_scgi and mod_wsgi and it worked 
nicely with all of them.

Are you sure you're using the adapter? It does not work with the 
built-in webserver. Also, some Firefox plugins tend to pile up response 
data. Did you test with different browsers?

There have been some changes to the WSGI adapter after 1.1b1, you can 
try with the current version (but it should also work with 1.1b1):

-- Christoph


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