Am 24.09.2010 20:53 schrieb Sophana KOK:
> from python 2.6 guess_type implementation doesn't support multi threading.
> The symptom is an infinite recursion exception on guess_type when it
> is called concurrently

Thanks for pointing that out. I found that it's a known and fixed Bug in 
the first Py 2.6 releases:

> Maybe it is better to prevent it, just by using a mutex:

I agree, silently catching the exception is not a good idea. But instead 
of using a lock I think we should simply call mimetypes.init() in - it seems the only problem is the init() function 
that is called on the first use of guess_type. Let me know if that works 
for you. It will be fixed in Webware 1.0.x and 1.1.x then.

-- Christoph

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