Andreas Schneider wrote:
Vadim Lebedev wrote:
Andreas Schneider wrote:
Darshaka Pathirana wrote:
Hi Vadim!

On 25.01.2008 20:18, Vadim Lebedev wrote:
Independently i'm struggling with the fact that mercurial does not
support subprojects so
i'd like to pickup your brains for suggestions on how to organize
mercurial repos  for the openwengo project
I would like to help you but unfortunatly I am not (yet) completely
aware of the full source code. If you're able to give me some hints
and tell me what YOU mean by subprojects, that would be really

I also have some questions regarding the code policy:
- The openwengo-project holds internal copies of the source code of a
  various number of libraries. Will that change? Is that (still) a
  good idea?
Subprojects are for example owutil (ow macros for cmake), webcam, util etc.

Everything which is a external in subversion atm. 2.2 has no externals afaik.

- If splitting up the project, will the history of each file remain?
I know only git and it imports the whole history of each file. I think hg will
do the same.

The problem is that full conversion of svn to mercurial  generates
repository of 300 Mb  (Orginal SVN is 700MB)
It is not practical i believe.

Only one branch or of the whole repo?

My wengophone git repo of the the 2.2 branch has 88 Mb.

Whole repo....

2.2 Branch in mercurial is around 80 MB

That's just fine with the whole history.

It would be much smaller without the binary-libs.


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