Hi Chris

On 31.01.2008 21:08, Chris Botor wrote:
> ------ Rebuild All started: Project: desktopservice, Configuration:
> Debug Win32 ------
> Deleting intermediate and output files for project 'desktopservice',
> configuration 'Debug|Win32'
> Building Custom Rule
> C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/libs/qtutil/tests/CMakeLists.txt
> Subversion (svn) command line not found, it is recommended to install it
> -- OS: Windows-5.1
> -- Processor: x86
> -- Compiler: C:/Program Files/Microsoft Visual Studio 8/VC/bin/cl.exe
> -- Build type: Debug
> -- Build tool: C:/PROGRA~1/MICROS~1/Common7/IDE/VCExpress.exe
> -- Build directory: C:/openwengo/wengophone-2.2/build/debug
> -- svn revision: 0
> -- Time: 20080201035931

So you're Windows user and the time-string is shown correctly on your
system. May I ask you how you did it? My time string is empty.

The appropriate code is found in
"owbuild\owbuild\OWGetCurrentDateTime.cmake" and
"owbuild\owbuild\getcurrentdatetime.cpp" respectevely. Can you figure
out why my time-string stays empty?

(At least we now have an evidence that the time-string can also be
built by a Windows system.)

 - Darsha
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