"Dan Harkless" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> > Yes, but it shouldn't produce unusable binary when compiling with
> > gcc.  If I didn't say --with-ssl=/usr/local than it's OK if I
> > don't get SSL support, but it's not OK if I end up with unusable
> > binary without any error or warning.
> You don't.  You get a binary that simply doesn't have SSL support,
> and you get a big fat warning about it.

Dan, this is simply not true!  I was present when Drazen was compiling
this, and the binary was definitely unusable.  That is because SSL
libraries were picked up by the compiler, but -R ended up not being

The link line was:

gcc -g -O2 -L/usr/local/ssl/lib -o wget cmpt.o connect.o fnmatch.o ftp.o ftp-basic.o 
ftp-ls.o ftp-opie.o getopt.o hash.o headers.o host.o html-parse.o html-url.o http.o 
init.o log.o main.o md5.o netrc.o rbuf.o recur.o retr.o snprintf.o gen_sslfunc.o url.o 
utils.o version.o -lcrypto -lssl -lsocket -lnsl -R/usr/local/ssl/lib 

The configure process *thinks* it knows where SSL is, but it doesn't.
The link process runs because Gcc silently adds -L/usr/local/lib.  As
-R/usr/local/lib is not there, the resulting binary runs like this:

{delirium}[~/work/wget/src]$ ./wget 
ld.so.1: ./wget: fatal: libcrypto.so.0: open failed: No such file or directory
zsh: killed     ./wget

Configure prints no warning whatsoever.  Libtool thinks everything is

I know that the "standard" place for SSL libs is /usr/local/lib/ssl/.
But I argue that /usr/local/lib/ is just as standard, if not more so.
And even if it weren't, there is still the fact that we get a *broken*
binary with zero warning about it.  That's really evil.

Libtool is not the be-all end-all answer to our linking problems, even
if we wish it were.  Maybe these things are easier to achieve with
libtool than without it, but it doesn't come without a cost.  If you
are convinced that it makes your life easier, we can use it, but I'm
personally not happy about its inclusion to Wget.

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