Drazen Kacar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I don't understand why you keep bringing "most users" in discussion. 

Uh, because Wget is used by users...!

> Libtool does not produce libraries which conform to (this) platform's
> recommendations. 

Again, production of libraries is irrelevant to the discussion of Wget's use
of libtool.

> What follows next is pretty simple: if some tool should be avoided, it
> gives you zero benefit.

No.  Zero benefit implies something doesn't work at all.  If something works
in some cases it provides non-zero benefit.

> If I understand your idea correctly, you want to link with the archive
> version (libcrypto.a) at configure time. If the archive version does not
> exist anywhere on the system and only the shared library exists, your
> configure check will fail and you won't end up using SSL, although it's
> available.

<sigh>  No, you don't understand my idea correctly.  I'm not going to even
waste my energy re-explaining it.  I'll just give you a hint -- look for the
character '*'.

> I would assume that it's obvious that the binary package which can be
> installed anywhere on the system is better than the package which can be
> installed only at a predefined position. Because it has one feature more,
> while everything else is the same.

No, not everything else is the same.  Your use of non-OS shared libraries is
limited to ones that live in $ORIGIN/../lib.  As I said, this is not always
a workable restriction.  What if you want to link to some optional shared
library from Sun that lives under /opt?

Dan Harkless            | To help prevent SPAM contamination,
GNU Wget co-maintainer  | please do not mention this email
http://sunsite.dk/wget/ | address in Usenet posts -- thank you.

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