> Why do I get the following error from ~/.netrc when I execute
> "wget -v --follow-ftp --retr-symlinks --glob=on -N -r -l0 --tries=0
> --no-parent -k -o "log - $(date "+%r %Z -:- %A, %B %d, %Y")"':
> "wget: /home/[user_dir]/.netrc:4: unknown token ""

Are you sure you have the last CVS version of wget (1.7-dev) ? As far
as I remember, at some point in time there was a change in the code
that caused the .netrc parser to choke on empty lines, but the error
has been already corrected.

-- jan

 Jan Prikryl        | vr|vis center for virtual reality and visualisation
 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | http://www.vrvis.at

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