Many thanks for this feedback Joe.  I shall look into this, and see if I can get this 
to work!

Thank you once again.

With best wishes.

-----Original Message-----
From: Joe Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sun, 03 Jun 2001 05:17:00 -0500
To: Diabetes Simulator <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: Simple questions about wget

> Diabetes Simulator wrote:
>  > Hi there.  I am new to this list (and wget) but would be grateful
>  > for any advice that anyone may be able to provide.
>  > In particular I have two questions:
>  >
>  > (1)  Does it matter which server wget is run on (original host vs
>  > mirror?) - or does it need to be run on the mirror (destination)
>  > server - and pull / get files from the host?  (I do not yet know
>  > which server / ISP will be more amenable to installing this).
> It must be run on the mirror.  wget /gets/ files from an origin server.
>  > (2)  Does wget have to be compiled on the server - e.g. something
>  > that the Systems / Server Administrator needs to do - or is this
>  > something that an end user (Webmaster) could do in his / her
>  > personal Webspace / cgi-bin?
> If the server has a reasonable build environment already (i.e. GCC and 
> appropriate libraries), you can easily compile it yourself and install 
> it in your home directory.  If not, then you'll have to locate a 
> pre-compiled binary appropriate for your system (or hope that one is 
> already installed).  Though a packaged binary probably won't do you any 
> good--RPMs and the like usually must be installed by the root user.
> wget doesn't usually need any special permissions to run however, so can 
> be run from a simple shell account.  Do not put it in your cgi-bin, 
> should make a 'bin' directory off of your home directory 
> where you put any binaries that you install yourself.  Most systems 
> already have ~/bin in the path, and so it will 'just work' assuming 
> permissions are correct.  If your local bin is not in the path, then you 
> can add it.  Consult a basic Unix text or online tutorial for more on 
> this kind of thing, as it is way off topic here.
> You'll want to read up on cron, as well, while your perusing your Unix 
> tutorial or book.
> Good luck!
>                                    --
>                       Joe Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>                   Affordable Web Caching Proxy Appliances
>                           <A HREF=""; TARGET="_new"><FONT 


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