
Hrvoje Niksic wrote:


> Sorry for not responding -- I was a bit busy after the release.
> Of course, it was perfectly fine to include the logs, they were
> certainly not the reason for ignoring the mail!

Thats okay don't worry.

> >Rick> wget ftp:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/dl/a.a
> > 
> > and I have a .netrc, would you expect wgetrc to look for the remote
> > user / password (i.e. the password for "rick" at "a.machine.com") in
> > the .netrc file?
> > 
> > I would but it doesn't - it searches the .netrc file for an entry
> > associated with my proxy machine!?
> This is a bug.  Does this patch fix the problem?

I applied the patch over lunchtime and gave it a quick try and it seems
to be working. I'll try a few more tests when I get some more time.

Thanks for the response. I'm glad it was a bug that could be easily
fixed rather than me not understanding how things were supposed to
work! :-)

Richard Travett,                Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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