Herold Heiko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> Ok, fine. But, in order to avoid misunderstanding, wouldn't it be
> better to have a wrapper function (msleep ?) and use that where
> really millisecond granularity is desired ? Otherwise sooner or
> later somebody could use usleep where really microsecond granularity
> is desired,

IMO anyone who calls usleep() and expects perfect microsecond
granularity deserves what he gets.  Wget is certainly not, so using
usleep is fine.

I agre that "msleep" would make more sense with how Wget is using it,
but usleep() was already there, so I used that.  There's also a
"nanosleep", but I really hate filling out a structure just to sleep.

The other thing is, I really dislike having application-specific
wrappers for *all* OS functionality.  I know most big applications
take that route, but it doesn't mean it's necessarily a good thing.

> What I mean is, while testing that I found (like expected) with a ~
> 30kb/sec connection to the server and a --limit-rate=100 wget would read
> a whole buffer, sleep for several seconds, read another full buffer and
> so on

Yes; that's supposed to happen.  I don't think we can do much about it
in a portable fashion.  Besides, is it ever useful to limit the
bandwidth to 100 bytes/s?  Even people with 56kbps modems limit to 2
or 3 k.

> Wasn't there some time ago a bandwidth patch floating around which
> played with window sizes instead of pausing ?

I don't think so.  There was a time when I examined the
bandwidth-limiting patches, and I couldn't find any that did that.
They were just sleeping, and most of them incorrectly.

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