Andre Majorel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On 2001-12-15 07:37 +0100, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
>> Is there a good fallback value of RAND_MAX for systems that don't
>> bother to define it?
> The standard (SUS2) says :
>   The value of the {RAND_MAX} macro will be at least 32767.

c9x says the same, but there is a subtle difference between statement
and the information I actually need.  A SUS-conformant system will not
present a problem because it will define RAND_MAX anyway.  The
information I need is what RAND_MAX should fall back to on the
"traditional" Unix systems that have rand(), but don't bother to
define RAND_MAX.

Online SunOS manuals are not very helpful -- the one at
can't even seem to decide whether RAND_MAX is 2^31-1 or 2^15-1, and
there is no mention of RAND_MAX or of an include file that might
define it.

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