i can't get it to work with ssl proxy:

edv02::/home/enderle % export https_proxy="$ftp_proxy"
edv02::/home/enderle % echo $ftp_proxy
http://myname:mypass@mycachesip:3128/  (i tried that with squid and oops)
edv02::/home/enderle % wget -m -r -v 
--11:27:35--  https://mylogin:*password*@myhostsip/enderle/
            => `myhostsip/enderle/index.html'
Verbindungsaufbau zu cacheip:3128... verbunden.
zsh: segmentation fault (core dumped)  wget -m -r -v 
edv02::/home/enderle % wget --version
GNU Wget 1.8

with wget 1.8.1, it seems to be different:
edv02::/home/enderle % wget -m -r -v https://etc/
--11:46:58--  https://etc/
            => `etc'
Auflösen des Hostnamen »mycache«.... fertig.
Verbindungsaufbau zu mycache[cache]:3128... verbunden.
Proxy Anforderung gesendet, warte auf Antwort... 501 Not Implemented
11:46:58 FEHLER 501: Not Implemented.

BEENDET --11:46:58--
Geholt: 0 Bytes in 0 Dateien
and in the squid proxy log:
1011178018.082      1 myhostname NONE/501 1034 GET https://etc/ - NONE/- -
look at the method used: it tries to GET the url, not to CONNECT as it 
should be for ssl i guess

by the way, there is another bug which sometimes happens with those 
great windows nt ftp servers (iis i guess, whatever) and wget 1.8.1.

You completly trust the ftp server in everything it tells wget. That 
seems to be a problem when it comes to the new great status bar.

example: The ftp says, the file is 15000 bytes in size. Then it sends a 
few mb of data. Result: wget coredumps because of the statusbar 
(progress.c i think, about line 540-550, i don't exactly remember). As 
long as there are windows nt servers out there, you should be very 
carefull about the informations you get. May this also be a security 

hopefully these two bugs are easy fixable


----- Steven Enderle ----- m d n Huebner GmbH ----
----- [EMAIL PROTECTED] ----- + 49 911 93 90 90 -----
-----  Digital Imaging & Documentmanagment   -----

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