On Monday 22 September 2003 00:20, you wrote:
> Sorry about the lack of response.  Your feature requests are quite
> reasonable, but I have no idea of the timeframe when I'll work on them
> (they're not a priority for me).  Perhaps someone else is interested
> in helping implement them.
> The things I planned to tackle for a post-1.9 release are compression
> support and proper password "manager".
> BTW, have you tried `--http-user' and `--http-passwd'?  They're
> supposed to do pretty much what you describe.

That's weied. I tried --http-user and --http-passwd and all is working well.
According to the documentation the following are equivalent:

        wget -r --http-user=foo --http-passwd=bar http://my.org


        wget -r http://foo:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

But they are not. Version 1 works while version 2 doesnt ?!?

Can anyone explain this and if it is so for some techincal reason then fix the 
documentation to state it explicitly and not say that they are equivalent ?


P.S. Some of the features that I mentioned are very easy to implement (like 
the "don't leave half downloaded file on errors" thing). So maybe there is a 
chance of that going in ?!?...:)

Name: Mark Veltzer
Title: Research and Development, Meta Ltd.
Address: Habikaa 17/3, Kiriat-Sharet, city.holon, Gush-Dan, country.israel 
Phone: +972-03-5581310
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Email: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://www.veltzer.org
OpenSource: CPAN, user: VELTZER, mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED], url: 
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