Thanks tracing this one.  It would never have occurred to me that the
file name "c:\/foo" could cause such a problem.

I see two different bugs here:

1. The routine that "merges" the .netrc file name with the directory
   name should be made aware of Windows, so that it doesn't append
   another backslash if a backslash is already present at the end of
   directory name returned by home_dir.  (In fact, the same logic
   could be applied to slashes following Unix directory names.)

2. home_dir() should really be fixed to return something better than
   `c:\' unconditionally, as is currently the case.  The comment in
   the source says:

      home = "C:\\";
      /* #### Maybe I should grab home_dir from registry, but the best
         that I could get from there is user's Start menu.  It sucks!  */

   This comment was not written by me, but by (I think) Darko Budor,
   who wrote the original Windows support.  Under Windows 2000 and XP,
   there have to be better choices of home directory.  For instance,
   Cygwin considers `c:\Documents and Settings\USERNAME' to be the
   home directory.  I wonder if that is reachable through registry...

Does anyone have an idea what we should consider the home dir under
Windows, and how to find it?

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