> Here is a trace of system calls during execution of 'wget -t 1 -T 10
> http://www.admin.edt.fr/supervision/test.jsp'
> (See attached file: wget_trace.txt)

Thanks.  Apparently Wget isn't even calling select!  I see two

1. Something in your configuration prevents -T to be recognized.  Do
   you have a `.wgetrc' file, or perhaps `/usr/local/etc/wgetrc'?
   (Command-line arguments should override .wgetrc options, but bugs

2. Wget didn't detect a "select" system call on your system.  Do you
   compile Wget yourself?  If so, could you send the output of
   `configure'?  If not, could you try compiling Wget yourself and see
   if that makes the problem go away?

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