Hi Jesus,

I have encountered the same problem than you.
See here :

No-one has yet replied.
Seems to me it is a bug. or at least, this behavior should be customizable.

Ring me back if you have any news !

Best Regards,


Quoting Jesus Villalba <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> Dear Sir or madam,
> I've noticed that the following scenario does not work as I expected:
> My client (wget) is behind a ftp-proxy and I try to download recursive
> from a ftp server (anyone) with the following command:
> wget --follow-ftp -r -l 2 -p -k ftp://ftp-server
> in wgetrc I have the following entry:
> ftp_proxy = http://ftp-proxy:3128/
> The result ist that wget don't follow the links of the index.html file
> sent by the proxy and only receive the index.html file. I works properly
> (recursive) when I call wget without proxy, i.e as above with the option
> --proxy=off.
> I've been searching wget options that maybe avoid this problem, but
> without success.
> Thaks a lot for your attention,
> Greetings,
> Jesus Villalba

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