hi wgetters !

a while ago, i wrote:

wget spans hosts when it shouldn't:

it looks like this behaviour is by design, but it should be documented.


wget seems to choke on directories that start with a dot. i guess it thinks they are references to external pages and does not download links containing such directory names.

it turned out that the site in question is excluding robots, so wget behaves correctly.
sorry for the false bug report and for overlooking the obvious :)


wget does not parse css stylesheets and consequently does not retrieve url() references, which leads to missing background graphics on some sites.

this feature request has not been commented on yet. do think it might be useful ?

best regards,


-- Jörn Nettingsmeier, EDV-Administrator Institut für Politikwissenschaft Universität Duisburg-Essen, Standort Duisburg Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Telefon: 0203/379-2736

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