I have a paper proceeding and I want to follow a link of that proceeding and go 
to a paper link, then follow the paper link and go to author link and then 
follow author link which leads to all the paper that the author has written. I 
want to place all these pdf files( papers of one author) into a directory. So, 
at the end I have directories of all authors containing papers that those 
authors have written. (one directory for each author) 
I am not sure if I can do it with Wget or not. 
  Please let me know your idea 
  Thanks in advance 

Micah Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hash: SHA256

Andra Isan wrote:
> I am wondering if there is a way that I can download pdf files and
> organize them in a directory with Wget or should I write a code for that?
> If I need to write a code for that, would you please let me know if
> there is any sample code available?

Hello Andra,

I don't think your request is very clear. Certainly you can download PDF
files with Wget. What do you mean by "organize them in a directory"?
What sort of organization do you want? Please be as specific as possible.

- --
Micah J. Cowan
Programmer, musician, typesetting enthusiast, gamer...

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