On May 6, 2006, at 7:41 PM, Joaquin Cuenca Abela wrote:

Matthew wrote:

A much easier and more consistent approach would be for the browser to show the upload progress itself. Complain to your friendly local
browser vendor.

Unfortunately such a simple approach is not good enough in this case.

The progress bar in a browser is "optimized" for small - medium file uploads: no estimated time left, quite small, on a blind corner, assumes the size of the downloaded page is somewhat in the range of the size of the file uploaded, so it's estimation of % done is wildly pessimist.

I have yet to see a browser that shows determinate upload progress at all. (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, Opera, and iCab all don't.) But it should be easier to implement than showing determinate download progress, because with uploading the browser knows ahead of time exactly how much data is involved. That's why I'm suggesting you lobby browser vendors to implement it: not because they already do, but because they don't.

(You may be under the impression that Internet Explorer for Windows shows determinate upload progress. But its progress meter actually advances 1 pixel/second starting from the beginning of the request, regardless of the progress of any upload. So if it has taken longer than 90 seconds, the progress meter reaches 100% and gets stuck there.)

1) the file the user is going to upload is expected to be > 0.5M
2) once uploaded, the html with the response is extremelly small compared to the file(s) uploaded

In that use-case you want a bigger progress bar, on a very visible spot on the page, and giving the user a clue of the time remaining.

Sure. But again, it would be much easier and more consistent if the browser showed a bigger progress bar, overlayed on the page, with an estimate of time remaining, for *all* uploads likely to take more than about 5 seconds -- rather than some Web sites doing it and most not.

Oh, and to add another item to the previous list:

* There is only one progress bar in the browser.

The thing is you may have the main upload going targetting a frame, and have some xmlhttprequest / iframe downloads going on the background. It will drive crazy the browser progress bar. Only the page author knows what's the most probable big, blocking upload/download in the page.

I don't think that's true. Browsers (other than Opera) already handle the problem of presenting progress of multiple items in a single progress bar when downloading a page. They could do an even better job for uploads, since they know the size of the items involved beforehand. And good results probably would be achieved from ignoring XmlHttp traffic for progress bar purposes whenever displaying any non-XmlHttp progress.

Matthew Paul Thomas

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