Also sprach Sander Tekelenburg:

 > FWIW, my feeling is that it would be best if there'd be a defined format for
 > hyphenation rules, and browsers would accept such description files as a
 > plug-in. This would allow each language's specialist to write their rules,
 > and share them, without putting that burden on browser authors. (Browsers
 > could of course still be shipped with such rulesets.)

This format exists. It was pioneered by TeX and is now widely used by
other applications. Here is the OpenOffice repository:

You can plug these into Prince as per:

I agree that browsers should read these dictionaries. However, the
dictionaries don't have to ship with browsers -- they can be web
resources just like style sheets and images are.

              Håkon Wium Lie                          CTO °þe®ª

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