On Mar 4, 2007, at 16:31, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

Also note that patents haven't stopped the web in the past (see: GIF).

The fact that the Welch patent did not totally wreck the Web and did not cause browsers to drop GIF support should *not* be considered evidence of the harmlessness of patents.

In the case of the Welch patent, there were two mitigating factors:
1) The patent (due to drafter incompetence, I presume) did not cover decompression, so it did not affect browsers. 2) It was possible to produce a bit stream that worked with the decompression algorithm but that was not actually compressessed the production method for this kind of bitstream did not infringe on the Welch patent. Some Free Software packages used this method to achieve compatibility while sacrificing actual compression.

These mitigating factors are not generalizable, which makes GIF as a case study non-generalizable.

Henri Sivonen

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