On Mar 5, 2007, at 4:47 PM, Charles McCathieNevile wrote:

On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 02:56:31 +1100, Maik Merten <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Elliotte Harold schrieb:
If we add a video element, should we for the same reasons add an audio
element? If not, why not?

I'd say that audio and video actually are pretty similiar. They need
controls to start playback, to stop playback, to seek, to pause, ...

Perhaps there shouldn't be a <video> element but more something like
<mediastream audio="true" video="true"> or something like that.

At which point you start heading back to "object". It seems we should either take the SMIL approach and make special containers for each kind of media (how many kinds? What is a flash video that has interactive bits? Or an SVG that is mostly video with a few interaction choices? Or interactive SVG with some audio?), or fix object...

<object> is generic embedding container. Having specific embedding containers for particular types (<img>, <iframe>, the proposed <video>) allows for better semantics and useful APIs targeted to the content type.

I think it is ok to have both, especially since <object> provides an escape hatch for new kinds of content types that have not yet grown up enough to deserve first-class treatment.


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