Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

As far as I can tell, the current spec does not adequately define how fallback behavior works. Specifically, what should be done with fallback content when not falling back?

Presumably it should be parsed into the DOM, but should not render - that's the de facto behavior.


<object id="movie" data="movie.ogg">
   <object id="movie" data="">
      <object id="movie" data="movie.asf">
         <p>Blah blah movie alternative text...</p>

If these things remain in the DOM, authors will presumably need to give them all distinct "id" values.

Now if I want to access these things from script, such as to provide an alternative player UI, I need to somehow determine which one is actually being used in order to target it. If they're all in the DOM, I can't just rely on getElementById returning null for the unused cases.

What's the solution in this case?

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