Henri Sivonen:
On Oct 30, 2006, at 22:33, Ian Hickson wrote:
The CSS community has requested a <date> or <time>
element because they want to restyle dates and times according to locale.

Then the recent request to www-style for styling numbers would be justified as well. An element for times (or numbers) could have other uses, though.

One of the reasons for keeping <var>, <cite>, <em>, etc, separate, instead of saying that authors should just use <i> for all of them, is that it
makes styling them differently much easier.

Assuming, of course, that you want to style them differently instead of just italicizing all of them.
(Why is <i class="var"> better than <var>?)

It isn't. But <i> is better than <var> for editor UIs if all you want to do is to italicize (the common case).

Isn't this a very western point of view?

PS: (Hyper)Text editors should never have had B, I and U buttons in the first place, but now it is an established concept.

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