On 3/22/07, Maciej Stachowiak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

To the extent we have a media platform we want to promote, it is
MPEG-4, a format and codec family that is an ISO standard.

Not a particularly high bar for a Web standard.

format family is available in many hardware and software
implementations, including open source implementations.

They don't seem to be distributable outside of Sweden and Hungary.

While it is
covered by patents, you certainly cannot call it proprietary.

MPEG-4 is proprietary, because it is covered by patents.

Our concerns about Ogg are legitimate,

Disagree. Your objections involve proving a negative.

and should be addressed
directly rather than insinuating that we have ulterior motives.


The problem with bringing up patent issues on technical mailing lists
is that it's likely no one can evaluate them with any degree of
expertise. As a result, it is not possible for WG members to
distinguish between legal issues that Apple has no control over and
Apple's chosen corporate strategy.

I will add once again that I think this topic is inappropriate. We
don't get email containing GPL code samples, and it would be nice not
to get weird legal email as well.


Robert Sayre

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