----- Original Message ----- From: "Garrett Smith" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, August 25, 2007 11:24 PM
Subject: [whatwg] Progress Events "done" event

I've noticed a case when developing Ajax apps that I often end up
duplicating a call to hide "loading.gif" (for example) when the call
is over.
Progress Events


Just as an example of other way of doing this:

In HTMLayout and Sciter (h-smile core)  I introduced
:busy state flag in CSS. And DOM element as a class
have request() method [1] that allows to replace content
of the element from remote source or to deliver any
data (e.g. JSON, XML) to the element.

:busy CSS flag is active when some load data request
issued  for the element and until it finishes. So to style
in-progress situation is a matter of single
declaration in CSS:

td.bound:busy { background-image:url(progress.gif); }
iframe:busy { foreground-image:url(loading.gif); }
img:busy { foreground-image:url(loading-image.gif); }

Reason of my comment: I think that events
like this should be reflected in CSS state flags too.
CSS is a natural place to deal with this.

Andrew Fedoniouk.

[1] http://www.terrainformatica.com/sciter/Element.whtm

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