On Jan 7, 2008 7:36 PM, Manuel Amador (Rudd-O) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Out of the question, it must be royalty-free.  That's one of the requirements,
> so unless you can convince the holder to go RF, no chance.

Did you even read what I wrote?

>>RAD doesn't charge royalties - period. You pay one flat-fee to use Bink
>>or Smacker in your product.

If you mean being able to use it without paying _any kind_ of fee,
that's another thing.

Royalty: a sum of money paid to a patentee for the use of a patent or
to an author or composer for _each_ copy of a book sold or for _each_
public performance of a work.

And about your last sentence.. As I said:

>>It might be worth trying to contact RAD and see if this could be a
walkable road.

-- Federico BP

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