On Wed, 28 May 2008 13:07:50 +0100, Ian Hickson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I'm afraid that this could cause trouble (every visitor downloading icon
that's 20–300 times larger than typical favicon). Why not use
rel=application-icon or rel=appicon?

I don't understand the question.

<link rel=icon> is currently used for favicons. Favicons are expected to be small (in byte size). Current browsers always download favicons on every website.

If page author adds high-quality image using rel=icon (like Vista's 100KB icon or Leopard's 300KB monstrosity), it may significantly increase site's traffic (these icons will be downloaded by every visitor rather than only those who create a shortcut).

<link rel=icon sizes=16x16 href=tinyicon.png>
<link rel=icon sizes=256x256 href=hugeicon.ico>

In current browsers this will not work as expected - browsers will download the big application icon, which is going to be order of magnitude larger (in byte size) than a favicon.

Using rel=application-icon instead of rel=icon would avoid this problem. Another solution would be to suggest that authors specify favicon as last in the tree order (example it the spec lists favicon first).

regards, Kornel Lesiński

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