Hi, I would like to ask for clarification of opportunistic caching spec in Offline Web Applications, the article
Adding a resource whom URI matches an opportunistic name space seems to
be done only for top level documents according to the article,
cite: "If the resource was not fetched from..." where the resource
refers, as I understand, the top-level document being navigated.

I didn't find any other place where a resource whom URI matched an
opportunistic entry would be added to a cache as opportunistically
cached. I would naturally expect it were part of the networking model,
article - "Changes to the networking model", but I couldn't
find it, at least not explicitly, expressed.

Maybe I am missing something in the networking model spec: in
article when URI matches a name space it have to be "fetched
normally". Should implementers replace normal HTTP cache used for
writing by offline cache to store the resource in it? Instead of normal
HTTP cache?

Thanks for advice.
Honza Bambas, a mozilla developer

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